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Healing Crystals

Do crystals really work? This is a question that I get asked almost everyday. There is much debate regarding this question, as scientists say there is no hard proof to show that they do. However, every ancient civilization has utilized crystals in a vast variety of ways—from healing to offerings to protective talismans. And Quartz Crystal has been on this Earth since the beginning of time.


Silicon has its own very large group of minerals known as silicates. Over 90% of the Earth’s crust is composed of silicate minerals—of that, about 46.6% Oxygen and 27.7% Silicon, making silicon and oxygen the two most common elements in the crust. When these two elements combine, they form silicon dioxide. Pure silicon dioxide is known as mineral quartz or Quartz Crystal, which makes up 12% of the Earth’s crust. Quartz is the most common form silicon dioxide. I find it very hard to believe that a major mineral component of the Earth’s crust would hold no scientific value to the people who live on it.

Clear Quartz

Quartz is used in just about every type of modern technology—electronics, time keeping, information storage, and laser devices, just to name a few. Crystal technology is beginning to help transform information and knowledge in new ways. If crystals have the ability to transform the energy of how we communicate through computer chips, then why are we questioning their ability to transform energy in other ways? Can our intention of thought work with a crystal to transform our lives on a subtle vibrational level?

A famous scientist from IBM, Marcel Vogel, spent a large part of his life researching the mystery of crystals and the question do crystals really work. While watching crystals grow under a microscope, he noticed that the solidified crystal seemed to take the shape of whatever he was thinking about at the time. This transformation of thought into reality was later videotaped again in his laboratory. This was one of the first pieces of scientific evidence to show the meta-physical power of the mind manifesting itself into a physical form.

Albert Einstein said that everything in life is vibration. Sound is a vibration, and so are your thoughts. Everything that manifests in your life is there because it matches the vibration of your thoughts.

My Opinion

When I am asked, do crystals really work? I say, “They do for me. “ They make me happy when I look at them. I place them all over my home to remind me that the beauty of Mother Nature surrounds me and to always be grateful. Crystals help me stay grounded when I hold them in my hands and breathe. I personally love using the elements of the Earth as a tool to reconnect to myself to its energy. For me it’s not a placebo effect. It is not in my head. It IS a feeling—a feeling that feels good. I have working with crystals for over 5 years and will continue to do so.”

Using the healing power of crystals as a tool for empowerment, balance and enlightenment is a personal art form. The universe is vast and is imbued with spirit and energy, not yet completely understood by the human mind. If you believe and feel that crystals will help you on an energetic and vibration level, they most certainly will. But if the vibration of your thoughts is saying, “No, it won’t work since science has not proven it,” then you are correct; they probably won’t work for you. If the thoughts in our mind create our reality, and Quartz Crystal has the ability to amplify and magnify those thoughts, then always be conscious that your thoughts are in the place you aspire to be in.

At every moment, we have the ability to choose our own thoughts. If we learn how to train our mind through meditation, breath, movement and the endless other techniques available to us today, we can overcome the endless chatter of the mind. My personal journey with the energy of the Earth has been one of patience. Working with the healing power of crystals takes time. I often think that that is in fact the main message of the gemstones.

Sit, breathe, connect and listen.

It’s a slow process—one that requires an awareness of oneself. The journey within takes time and each day is different. Each one of us is here on this Earth to learn, grow and evolve. We are very similar to science in many ways—not everything has been discovered about ourselves. There are many things that still remain a mystery, waiting to be unearthed.

So how do you use them?

Here are some of my favorite Crystals and their meanings. When working crystals, here is a steadfast rule to go by: Sit quietly and hold your healing stones in your hands. Breathe in the highest white light and feel their energy fill your body. Visualize your intention for your stones. The stones are listening and ready to use. Carry them with you, meditate with them, lay with them on your body or place them in your space.

Rose Quartz

A stone of unconditional love, rose quartz works by opening your heart to all types of love, including self love, romantic love, love of the community, friends, family, and everything on Earth. When you hold rose quartz stones while meditating or wear it as jewelry, it surrounds you with a sphere of love energy, which activates and balances the heart chakra. Love is the most powerful energy, which makes rose quartz one of the most beneficial stones for healing and flooding the body with positive energy. rose quartz jewelry

The soothing vibrations of rose quartz jewelry help to calm negative emotions and revitalize the body, physically and emotionally. By cleansing and rejuvenating the aura, it works to release stress caused by negative emotions, including anger and resentment. These harmful feelings are replaced by peace, faith, and hope for the future. Rose quartz jewelry sends powerful love vibrations into your heart on a cellular level and opens cells up to your natural state of joy and longevity instead of despair and pessimism. These characteristics make rose quartz jewelry especially helpful to wear during times of stress, heartache or grief because it provides emotional support needed during difficult times.


Selenite is another powerful cleansing stone because it ensures a positive flow of vibrations between you and other rocks in your collection, which makes it an ideal crystal for beginners.

Quickly remove negative energy from the body and clear the aura around you by moving selenite down the body from the top of your head to your feet. Repeat this cleansing ritual until you feel completely rejuvenated with positive vibrations. Afterwards, you’ll have a restored sense of balance and the protection of a white light that connects you to the universe.


A stone that harnesses the power of the sun, citrine is infused with light, which makes it perfect for putting in the windowsill. Everyday, its daily infusions of natural light restores and regenerates its powerful vibrations. Considered one of the most powerful stones for manifestation, Citrine is a must-have crystal for beginners because it helps make your intention a reality. Citrine also instills a positive outlook and stimulates the mind so that you’re motivated to form good habits and are always filled with optimism.

Place a piece of Citrine on top of a list of your dream manifestations to manifest them into reality much faster.

Not only are they glittering eye candy, but healing crystals also reconnect us to Mother Earth and its incredible abundance. In the ancient art of crystal healing, gemstones truly rock when it comes to good vibrations!


If you’re heading to Las Vegas, forget about lady luck—Aventurine is the energy you want by your side! Known to many as the gambling stone, the name aventurine comes from the Italian word “a ventura” meaning “by chance.” All green gemstones are said to bring abundance, but the whimsical energy of this lucky crystal is especially conducive to the power of plenty.

While it’s playfully referred to as a gambler’s stone, an Aventurine stone is helpful to everyone. Sometimes a gamble looks less like a game, and more like a fork in the road of your life; a time when you have to decide between what is sound and secure, or taking a risk. In connecting with the heart chakra, the Aventurine meaning graces the spirit with an easy sense of confidence. The excitement it stimulates can promote a more optimistic outlook that will make jumping out of your comfort zone less scary.

Go from being a passive follower, to a dynamic leader by meditating with the energy of this Aventurine stone. In bringing harmony between mind, body and spirit, the Aventurine healing properties induce a sense of completeness to the spiritual space that will often translate into a newfound confidence. Use this increase in confidence and compassion to approach difficult choices or gambles with the heart first. Aventurine opens the heart chakra to help you recognize what truly excites you.

By betting on what you love and are passionate about, you can’t go wrong. Feel an infusion of inspiration ignite your creativity. Let Aventurine carry you toward alternative paths to prosperity that you had not yet considered. They may be a bit of a risk, but fresh ideas can provide a different and valuable perspective.


Known for its powerful spiritual properties, beautiful amethyst is an ideal stone to place around the home as décor. This visually striking rock is also a wonderful meditation tool because it boosts inner strength and provides spiritual protection.

While focusing on your intention, place amethyst in your office or bedroom to emanate calming energies and invite in abundance. This stone also works well as a complementary healing tool in yoga and meditation.

Tigers Eye

A Tiger’s Eye stone is a healing gemstone of vitality and physical action. It stimulates the first through third chakras to help you remain grounded, calm and centered, regardless of how crazy the situation is. Tiger Eye stone meaning includes energizing your body and chakras to strengthen your motivation and willpower. It combines the energy of the Earth with the energy of the Sun, bringing grounding, optimistic and happy energies. Tiger’s Eye stones help you to see the positive in any situation, making it especially helpful for anyone who suffers from feelings of depression.

Tiger Eye stone benefits also include providing protection, especially for travelers, as well as bringing good luck. In ancient times, they were used as talismans against bad luck and curses. Carrying stones, and having the intention of the tiger eye stone meaning, is believed to bring you new opportunities, prosperity and wealth. They also help to give you a little creative boost when you are feeling creatively blocked or drained.

I have my crystal. Now what do I do?

What to do with crystals is one of the most important, and often overlooked, components to working with healing crystals if setting your intention, or programming. In our own words, you have to give your crystal a job and a purpose! Crystals want to work for you, but you have to tell it what to do. In the moments when you’re vibrating at a lower frequency, your intentions can fly out the window. When you reconnect with your programmed crystal, it will help you remember your goals and limitless potential.

Programming your crystal is simple. The first step is to cleanse your crystal. You can choose your preferred method of clearing, and what resonates with you the most. Immerse your crystal in the smoke of a burning sage stick, Frankincense resin or Copal incense. Place your crystal out under the light of the sun or the full moon for at least 4 hours. Bury your crystal in the Earth and allow it to become recharged with Earth energy. If it’s a smaller crystal, you can place it on top of a Clear Quartz crystal or Selenite crystal to clear and cleanse any stuck energy.

Next, hold your crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths. Reflect on your faith, the Earth, and what makes you happy. This will connect you with your highest vibration. Your highest vibration may be associated with a religious or spiritual belief, God, or simply a divine power that’s greater than you. Or it may be associated with a scientific connection—zero point energy. You decide what to call it. Then, while in this space of love and light, ask that your crystal be cleared of all unwanted energy or previous programming.

Aloud or in your head, say: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy or any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention of . . .” To finish the sentence, add three intentions for your crystal—energies that you wish it to hold for you. End by repeating “thank you” three times. By saying it three times, you emphasize that what you’re asking for already exists in the universe.

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